Saint Barbara’s Primary School

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

My first set of clothes are special to me because I wore it in the first hours of my life. My mum chose to keep hold of them which made them more special to me as they got passed down to my little brother. They are now kept in my memory box which contains a lot of my things.

Liam  P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

My grandma knitted this Pikachu for me. She didn’t do it for my birthday or Christmas she just did it out of kindness. Whenever I look at it I am reminded that it is nice to do things for other people out of kindness, not because you feel you have to. I love my Pikachu and my Grandma.

Michael P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

I earned a trophy for football. It was the goal of the season trophy. This was a very significant trophy because we were at a festival and we had won all our games so far. We came across a really strong team and I scored a last minute belter. This was a winning goal and we came first because of it.

Callum P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

This is my little brother. He is still in my mother’s womb but I still love him very much. He has a very special meaning to me because although I can’t see him in front of me I can still take a glimpse of him.

Sophie K P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

The objects that have a personal meaning to me are my football trophies and medals. The reason that they are so important to me is because I worked so hard to achieve them and each one brings back proud memories of the time that I won them.

Niall P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

This is my first teddy called Margaret, it is named after my wee granny Ross. I got this when I was a baby. This is important to me as its from my wee granny Ross that I loved very much. At night I like to sleep with Margaret because it helps to get me to sleep.

Sophie M P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

This necklace of my most valued possession. The ‘O’ stands for my name Olivia, the amber jewel is the colour of my birth month, November. The horse stands for my most treasured hobby which is horse riding. It was given to me by my auntie on her wedding day when I was her flower girl.

I will cherish it always.

Olivia D. P6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

The object that has special meaning to me is my first ever teddy bear that I named BunBun. She was given to me by my granny Sally when I was born and I have had her ever since. I love and cherish it and I will keep it forever. She is pink and tiny. I love her so much.

Mia P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

This programme is very personal to me because I got it from my grandpa and when he dies every time I look at it, it will remind me of him. You can’t get it anymore because it was from the FIFA World Cup Russia 2018. I love it.

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

I love my Grampa Jimmy and I miss him very much. He used to smoke and then he died. I would like to have a robot of him so that I can see him every day. I’d like to play games and have a Nerf battle with him.

Fraser P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

This locket means so much to me, my papa gave it to me three days before he died. He told me not to be sad because he would be with my Nana again. My Nana and Papa both died of cancer. At night I always kiss my Nana and Papa goodnight. I really miss them but my locket helps me.

Millie P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

My photograph shows a hairspray can. The can is ordinary, the story behind it isn’t. It all started when I auditioned for my first show Hairspray Jr. and was cast as Amber. We practised for weeks to make the show spectacular. I used the can as a prop for the dances. The experience was wonderful. I will never forget it.

Mhairi P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

I personally enjoy bonding with my Grandad learning about my family tree. We researched different websites to find names, dates, places and jobs.

We visited Perth Library to look at archived newspaper articles about members of my family from the past. I find it interesting to find out about family’s history and how we are related.

Nathan P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

This is furniture from my Mum’s doll’s house. It was precious to her and she kept hoping one day her daughter would play with it too. I have played with it and will keep it in the family for my daughter to also have fun with it. The furniture is still in great condition and very special for us.

Katie P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

Here’s my cuddly bunny Suzy. I have had her since I was born. She was given to me as a present by a girl in my mum’s work called Viv. When I was younger I would take her everywhere in my pram. I wouldn’t go to sleep without her. All my family knew Suzy because I loved her very much.

Rebecca P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

Before I came into the world
You departed
But you left this treasure
Sitting in a drawer
Now rusty and grey
For eleven years it’s been there
Quietly it tells a tale
I’ll never hear
It paints a picture
I’ll never see
It sits there
Looking back at me
And I sigh
Oh, grandmother this spoon in memory of you

Cassiah P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

1973, I belonged to a cute baby called Daniel. I comforted Daniel for many years until one day, the cute boy grew into a handsome teenager who no longer needed me. I was thrown into a closet until 2014 when I was rescued by a pretty little girl called Emilia. I am panda the loving bear.

Emilia P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

My Celtic shares have very personal meaning to me as they were left to me by my great uncle Martin. He bought thee shares 25 years ago and they were passed on to me. When he died last year. I now own part of Celtic Football Club.

Shay P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

The item that means the most to me which is irreplaceable would be my dad’s watch. This is because my dad passed away two years ago. I have very little things left that reminds me of him. My dad always wore a nice watch and loved to collect them. If I were to lose this one it could never be replaced.

Jayden P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

I went to a game with my Mum and brother. A.C. Milan vs Celtic that had lots of cheering, lots of screaming and songs. The game was fun, exciting and tense. Kalla had a free kick, we were standing behind the goals, and the ball went flying over the bar. My brother reached up and acquired the ball leaving the stadium.

Matthew P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

This is my bike it is my favourite thing that belongs to me because I got it on Christmas two years ago from my mum and dad and I love to ride it around Muirhead with my friends and go on long bike rides with my family.

Finn P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

This bridge is precious to me because it belonged to my first ever pet hamster Hercules. When Hercules died I was terribly upset and I decided to keep this to remind me of all the happy times I shared with him. He loved this bridge, he used to sleep under it, climb over it and hide his food inside it.

Harris P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

For my summary I have picked my rosary beads, they are special to me as I got them as a gift for my Holy Communion. That day was a memorable moment as I made a commitment to God. My auntie got my rosary beads from New York, St Patrick’s Cathedral and she also got them blessed by the parish priest.

Olivia P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

Bunny is very important to me because it was my sisters but since she was born too early she died at 11 days old. I have never met my sister so bunny reminds me of her. It is very fluffy and is holding some small yellow flowers.

Jessica P.6

St. Barbara’s Primary Lens to Pens Initiative

My chosen item is these rosary beads with a Jerusalem Cross. They are handmade from the Holy Land and were gifted to my dad when he made his Holy Communion when he was an adult, before I was born. He passed them down to me and I will treasure them because they are very special to me and him.

Dylan P.6