Some things tend to change your life completely, others come and go, as for me the guitar became vital. My life is closely connected to music. My dad used to buy extremely expensive cd’s, MTV channel was always turned on. So when my mom gave my a guitar, I was able not only to listen but to play music.
Time is our most valuable resource. Sometimes life slips by too fast, so you sure need to be in control of your time. And such an accessory as a watch helps you manage your time, often with style. These are my grandfathers but he stopped wearing them and I’ve decided to put them back into shape and wear them.
Funny how people usually take their houses for granted, though they could be as interesting as a person. My flat is important because only I know it’s features that nobody would ever guess. It’s a place that in its simplicity and at the same time complexity can always put me in a right mood for studying, working and creating.
A vibrant, live gig is such an interesting event. Music in general is a very interesting thing but music played live is just on a much higher level of pleasure, a living pleasure if you will. Recently I went to see and hear Kazuskoma’s live performance and it was just amazing. That night I found out what true Rock’n’Roll is.
It’s good to spend time with friends and try doing something new. And it’s especially cool when you manage to combine two of those things. Recently my friend asked me whether I have skateboard. And I did but I never learned to ride it. But together we actually managed to do it. And we had a real good time.
Eines Tages sah ich den Film “Brügge sehen… und sterben?” und verliebte mich in diese Stadt. Vor kurzem jedoch hatte ich die Gelegenheit, die deutsche Stadt Köthen zu besuchen. Es ist nicht Brügge, aber auch Köthen ist eine sehr schöne Stadt. Ich konnte ihre beeindruckende Architektur bewundern.
(Long time ago, I saw the film “In Bruges”. And I literally fell in love with this city. But recently I had the opportunity to visit Köten, a small town in Germany. Of course it’s not the same as Bruges, but Köten is also a very beautiful city. I could just walk around the city and admire its impressive architecture.)
Sometimes being abroad can make you feel out in the cold. Suddenly you get in a situation, where everything that surrounds you feels kinda unfamiliar. And it’s always satisfying and comforting to see something well-known to you. I wouldn’t say that I felt uncomfortably during my visit to Germany, but seeing Russian car Niva sure made me feel “at home”.
Things tend to fall apart. It’s not always bad, in some cases it can even come out better than it was before. Sometimes you just need to leave things as they are. This church was once destroyed, and thus, it got separated in two parts. But the city’s authorities decided not to renovate it, but leave it as it is.
Иногда события могут принять совершенно неожиданный оборот. Вещи могут появляться будто бы из ниоткуда, но в этом и есть вся прелесть жизни. Будь то обыкновенный выход за продуктами и случайная встреча старого друга, поездка в автобусе и встреча любви всей своей жизни или просто прогулка по окрестностям аэропорта в совершенно незнакомом тебе городе, и появление откуда ни возьмись прекрасных фламинго.
(Sometimes events can take a completely unexpected turn. Things can appear out of nowhere, but that’s the beauty of life. Whether it’s just a groceries shopping and an old friend encounter, a bus ride and a meeting of your lifelong sweetheart, or just a stroll around the airport in an unknown city, and the appearance of flamingos out of nowhere.)
Blade Runner 2049
I love
blade runner. Both the book and movies are terrific. This is from the movie
Blade Runner 2049. When I first saw this film, I was shaken. I have never seen
such a beautiful movie. Some of the scenes look like gorgeous paintings, in
which artists combine colours and shapes to create otherworldly landscapes,
truly stunning in their perfection.
Corgi is
one of the most adorable and cute breeds of dog ever. I can barely walk right
by a corgi pup without taking a photo or a video of it. My father is also a big
fan of corgis, and he often says that someday he will get away to the
countryside and get himself a wee corgi puppy.
Daft Punk — Discovery
I was just a little kid, when my father
bought that particular album. Even then, I thought it was genius. I consider
this album to be one of the most influential albums not only for electronic and
house music but for the music industry as a whole.
Edited Sunset
I took this photo a long time ago and
tried to edit it and horribly messed up the colors. But I actually liked what I
ended up with. It looks very psychedelic, almost like some rock band’s album
cover, maybe even my own band but in future.
Perm National Research Polytechnic University. The place where
I’ve chosen to study at. A lot of wonderful things happened to me there and I
hope that even more await me. I’ve learned so much, met lots of fascinating
people and took part in some grandiose events that changed my life completely.
It‘s sad, that I have only one year left.
S.L.A.T.E Charity
I am so glad that I have an opportunity
to contribute to S.L.A.T.ECHarity. It opened lots of possibilities and
opportunities for me to meet new people and develop various social, translating
and interpreting skills. Not only I have met lots of new and interesting people
in my hometown but I got to know people from all across the world.
day I just went for a stroll around my neighborhood, without any goal and
stumbled upon an old building almost in the center of city. When i looked at it
I saw a cat looking at me from the window. It looked just like it came straight
out of a fairy tail and was going to tell me something.
The Kremlin
I took this photo when I was in Moscow for the first time ever. Even thought
every and each one tourist that visits Moscow takes photos of the Kremlin, it
is still cool to look at it in real life and take a commemorative picture of it.
picture may seem mundane and common. What’s special in a piece of road? But I
see it like a shot straight from a noire movie. Yellow light of a street lamp
reflecting on wet asphalt. What else could add up to the dark and moody
smartphones are literally irreplaceable for almost each and every one of us.
They could be used for a great amount of actions. Personally, I use my smartphone
to tune my guitar, to write down some thought or to simply do some exercises or
listen to music
can’t imagine my everyday life without listening to music, so I always try to
carry around headphones, to be able to listen to some music without distracting
other people around me. Sometimes the can come in handy, because music can set
you in a right mood.
I was at school I’ve never carried a wallet with me. I used to just stuff money
in my pockets, which often resulted in to me losing it. But recently I borrowed
my father’s old black leather wallet and my life became just so much easier.
so glad that there are lots of parks near my home. I think it’s very important
to have parks in cities. Because of such things as air pollution and
overpopulation, living in the city can get kind of stressful. Thus, I like spending my time there
I think that sunsets are one of the most beautiful things there is. And I really
like to take many photos of sunsets. Actually, a lot of people say that
especially in Perm sunsets are far more beautiful than in any other place. They are simply terrific.
This is the school that I’ve studied at for more than 11 years. There are so many
memories connected with that place, both rather bad and very good. My interest
in playing music began while studying in school, some of my best friends are my school mates.
was around five or seven years at the time, and my mother bought a newspaper,
that had a page with some questions for kids on it. It said that the first
person who gets all the questions right and sends an answer will win a
teddybear. And what do you know, next week I got my teddybear by mail
Bottle Caps
Recently I’ve started collecting bottle caps. I thought that it is a rather interesting hobby that does not require a lot of time or money investments. You just need To buy lots and lots of beverages. And it’s exciting to get rare bottle caps from other countries.
Michael Kerins
When I was a freshman, my English teacher told me about Michael Kerins. At that time I couldn’t even imagine that I will be working with him and his team. Now it’s been three years of me studying at PNRPU and working with Michael Kerins and I must say, I am glad I have a chance to work with him.
Dacha is a Russian word for a house in a countryside. And I love to spend time at my
dacha. Its a place where you can get away from the hectic city, from the internet and dataflow in social networks. To get your ducks in a row.
Es war einmal, als ich den Film “Brügge sehen… und sterben?” sah und mich buchstäblich in diese Stadt verliebte. Aber vor kurzem hatte ich die Gelegenheit, Köten, eine kleine Stadt in Deutschland, zu besuchen. Natürlich ist es nicht Brügge, aber Keten war auch eine sehr schöne Stadt. Ich konnte einfach durch die Stadt spazieren gehen und ihre beeindruckende Architektur bewundern.
time ago, I saw the film “In Bruges”. And I literally fell in love with this
city. But recently I had the opportunity to visit Köten, a small town in
Germany. Of course it’s not the same as Bruges, but Köten is also a very
beautiful city. I could just walk around the city and admire its impressive
though I don’t own a lot of sneakers, I would consider myself a sneakerhead. I
love the aesthetics of sneakers, how they differ from each other. I’m very
passionate about my sneakers choice, and I always try to match it to my clothes
or vice versa.
could be seen as a depiction of life. Sometimes fog can be so dense that it’s
certainly possible to get lost in it. But at the same time, fog can be
interpreted as a safe place, that you can use to get away from all
you’ve ever traveled by train in Russia, you will never forget it. There’s
something special about trains. The atmosphere there is much more intimate than
in plane. You can have lots of heartwarming conversations over a cup of tea and
listen to sound of train wheels.
is in some sense like fire. It can be both calming and hectic. But only while
sailing a boat across a river or sea, you get that feeling of freedom. When
water drops hit you in the face, when you feel the wind In your hair.
is truly a boundless thing. Some time ago I went to a light festival. There
were a lot of magnificent light installations, that were combined with
different ambient soundtracks, played in the background. I have never thought
that light can be so mesmerizing and even magical.
am a big food lover. And I also like to cook food myself. I believe that the
food, which you cooked yourself, will always be the most delicious. And the
process of cooking itself is rather fun. In some sense it’s similar to
composing music. You can take different components, mix them together, and see
what will come out.
Band practice
don’t know what would I do without music. And one of the essential things about
music for me is the ability to play it with other people. And I find it
fascinating how a couple of people can create something truly new and peculiar
sounding together.
True Detective
Detective is my favorite TV series of all time. I’m a big fan of detective
books and movies, so it wasn’t a surprise that I liked this series so much.
Everything about this series is on point: McCounaughey’s and Harrelson’s
acting, atmosphere, amazing soundtrack and image.
would have thought more than seventy years ago, that this small, stylish and
practical scooter will become cult-favorite all around the world. Vespa was one
of the first commercially successful scooters in the world, and it is loved by a
lot of people of all generations.
I asked my friend if I could borrow her synthesizer, as I always wanted to
learn to play piano. I always want to go beyond my skills and abilities,
especially in music. So if you want to pick up an instrument or learn how to
design clothes, it doesn’t really matter what you want to achieve, just do it.
This is another one of mine more essential everyday items, that I actually can’t live without. It’s crucial nowadays to have some kind of device that lets you use the Internet, work, organize all of your documents and simply spend time watching films or chat with friends.