Eines Tages sah ich den Film “Brügge sehen… und sterben?” und verliebte mich in diese Stadt. Vor kurzem jedoch hatte ich die Gelegenheit, die deutsche Stadt Köthen zu besuchen. Es ist nicht Brügge, aber auch Köthen ist eine sehr schöne Stadt. Ich konnte ihre beeindruckende Architektur bewundern.
(Long time ago, I saw the film “In Bruges”. And I literally fell in love with this city. But recently I had the opportunity to visit Köten, a small town in Germany. Of course it’s not the same as Bruges, but Köten is also a very beautiful city. I could just walk around the city and admire its impressive architecture.)

Sometimes being abroad can make you feel out in the cold. Suddenly you get in a situation, where everything that surrounds you feels kinda unfamiliar. And it’s always satisfying and comforting to see something well-known to you. I wouldn’t say that I felt uncomfortably during my visit to Germany, but seeing Russian car Niva sure made me feel “at home”.

Things tend to fall apart. It’s not always bad, in some cases it can even come out better than it was before. Sometimes you just need to leave things as they are. This church was once destroyed, and thus, it got separated in two parts. But the city’s authorities decided not to renovate it, but leave it as it is.

Иногда события могут принять совершенно неожиданный оборот. Вещи могут появляться будто бы из ниоткуда, но в этом и есть вся прелесть жизни. Будь то обыкновенный выход за продуктами и случайная встреча старого друга, поездка в автобусе и встреча любви всей своей жизни или просто прогулка по окрестностям аэропорта в совершенно незнакомом тебе городе, и появление откуда ни возьмись прекрасных фламинго.
(Sometimes events can take a completely unexpected turn. Things can appear out of nowhere, but that’s the beauty of life. Whether it’s just a groceries shopping and an old friend encounter, a bus ride and a meeting of your lifelong sweetheart, or just a stroll around the airport in an unknown city, and the appearance of flamingos out of nowhere.)